Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

5-Year service award ceremony Tiara Beach Resort 2010

Aii geng',.
Salam,.. vaaaaa vaaaaa vaaaaaaa,. hahaaaaaaa tired but happening,. hihhihihii majlis award 5 thun berkdimat ngn TBR,. Alhamdulillah dtp sijil hamper hurmmm lgiii penginapan percumee kt TBR,. heheheh and rezki dpt enpon lucky draw,..
Ni le phone yg aku menng tu,!!~

Bermule dri sesi koke,. hehehee tk yah ckplaa kan,. dh tntuu aku memangg melalak atas stage tu dulu.,. sesiang dh kene pnggey dngn bos,. tpi sayng senarai lgu tk bpe asyik,. belasah jerlaa aper yg ader,.hihihii,.
Pastu aper lgik lunch la,. terbaekkkkkkkkkkkk bukn selalu dpt mkn sedap,. Makan smpaii munthh,. Wahahahaa tkder la melmpao arr tu,. Penympaian sijil, and lucky draw,. adiah memang kaw kaw,. Grand prizeRM 5000.00 tiker penerbangan ke beijing china,. hurm ader lgik ke Bangkok,. Bali,. Berlin and Shanghai,. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! masyukkkkkkkkk.. Rezeki mkcik steward dpt pi Beijing,. ok laa tuh kannn,. sape nk kasik berbaloi tunggu TBR 5 thun,. Huhuhuhuhuhu

Dah abes,. potong kek plak,. bapak besao pnjng punyer kek,. boleh laa tahn sedap nyer,.. lastly amek gmbaooo hihiihhiiii8,. mase mjlis pon aku dh silao,. kiri kanan klikkk klikkk klik,.. silao lmpu kmere huhuhuhu,.
Kali ni begmbao dalam air,. GM pon masuk lam air,. huuuhhuhu comel dowh,. ekekekekekeke

Ok la geng's,. yg penting pent,. happy and berbaloi,.Alhamdulillah!! Next time insya'ALLAH aku updated gmbrr ok,.



  1. gambo nye mane.. tempek laa sket nk tgk...
    neway, congrats dear!

  2. ihihihhiiiii zai,.t u dh tepkkk tuuuuuuuu
