Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Put your link here,. And i will follow your blog!` TQ

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Niat a.k.a nawaitu or maybe petunjuk dari Allah,.!~ Hurmmmm

Aii geng;s,. hurmmmm nk citer tk nk?? nak or tk,.?? camne ekk nk cakpp,..kang tulis lelebih kang org kate poyo,.tpi ni le sebnrnyee yg belakuu,.

Tak tau dri mne dtg nyer,. dri mne puncenye,. satu ari yg sngt bening pagi raye ok,.1st raye,. before p kubo,.!~ Ati sngt bedetik nk pakai jilbab,.opkos la pi kubor hormatla para malaikat dn ahli kuburnyee,. pakai tudung tutup kepale supaye setan tk betenggek,.

So,.. it;s just simplee jer belaku dngnt sngt pntas,. aku pakai la jilbab wane kuning,. korng tau tk cmne aku rase,.??!~ it's felt like very peaceful!! sangt!!,. sangt tenng, sangt RINGAN! haa yg ni aku tk tau ringn cmne,. aku je leh rase,. ! tpi sesungguhnye sejak dri pagi itu,. lepas salam ciom tngn emak abah n kk long, pakai tudng untuk pi kobo,. perasaan itu adelah sesuatu yg sngt bermknde bgi aku,. dan smpai sekrng ie masih ader,. NIAT AKU NK PAKAI JILBAB lepas ni tk mo bukk bukk lgi,..
Cume sekrng aku tk nk katekan sesuatu yg blom pasti,. Aku nk mule seikit sikit,. perlahan lahan,.tk nak drastik sngt tkot nnti bende ni sume sekajp,. aku nk bekekalan smpai bile2,.

Mungkin ALLAH mndengar doaku du;llu ketike aku bersimpuh! jike suatu hri KAU temukan jodohku,.. aku berniat dengn nameMu Ya Allah,. aku ingin memelihare aurat ku demiMu dan demi bakal SUAMI ku kelak,.!~ Aminnnnnnnnn

Wallahu'alam,. sesunngguhnye ALLAH lagi MAHA TAHU,!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tanggungjawab atau Keadaan?!~ Part 2

Salam,. ok geng's,.

cume nk updated that i've came bacl from Clinic just now for my fever,.!~
ahahaha setelah 5 ari demm dan segalenyee,. Alhamdulillah,. walaopon dngn ujn  yg lebat tpi lncar perjalann jumpe dokter,.

4 Jenis ubat:2+2+2+1=7 Bijik kene telan,.!~

Dockter bgi i ubat dlm4 jenis kot,.Dh teln sume,. now sedikit recover,. seditkit segar,.  Tpi kt opis la,. kenot go back maa,. ader keje kene setel,. n kene updtaed blog kan??!` ngahahahahahaaaaaa
ade event order bru yg kene check. dh ok sume,.!!~

Cume my pesanan is,. memang keje tu pnting lgi lgi bile kite sorng tkde yg tolong cover kan,. tpi kene ingt kesihatan,. jngn smpai melarat ok geng's,.!~


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jam Tangan,.!!~


Ok geng's,.!~ Jam Tangan.,. Korng ader??pakai tk jam tangn,. mesti pakai kan,. n mesti ader walapon satu,.or mesti PENAH pakai seblom ni??!~ So korng dalm kategori mane,.?? korng pkle sendri,.

Aku dalm kategori PENAH pakai,. tpi,.!! hahaaaa tpi dh 7 thun tk pakai beb,. sejak dri 2003 smpai skang ni,. tu pon sebb aku beli jam then jam tu jatuh n cermin die pecah,,. JAM JENAME AVON!! mungkin kualiti tk bgus kot,. agknyer laaa,.  So mule dri tu smpai skang aku tk pakai jam.,. walaopon keinginan tu sngt ader tpi mesih lom bekesempatan nk beli untuk diri sendri,. yg pade satu ketike jam tngn ni adelh salah satu mende pnting dalm idop aku,. n kekdng bile tk pakai cam tk sempurne,. ( leh trime ke alsan lom berkesmptan nk beli tu,.??) Ahahahahahah pape jerlaa,.

 Aku tk ksah jam jenis aperpon,. murh atau mahal tk menjdik persoalan nyer,. Yg aku suke jam tu nmpk CERIA,. kalao kalerful pon tkper,. kaler pelangi pon tkper,. Hihhihhi dan yg senng nk tngok,. tk yah bile tngok kene tngok bbtul n tngok bnyk kali,.,. yg ni lemao,. Huhuhuuhuu
Aku tk suke jam kaler GOLD and PINK!!!!! kalao pink campor or gold cmpor kelr len tu leh trime lagik,..

So skang ni,. sedng mncari RUANG nk beli jam tngn untuk diri sendri la kan,. sblom ni tk pnnh beli untuk orng pon,. Ngaahahahaaaaa,.. Ngah pk pk ni,bile nk beli jam!! Bile bile bilee,. so geng's tunggu update dri aku ok,.Once aku dh beli nnti aku tepek kt sini yerrr,..



Tanggungjawab atau Keadaan?!~


Entry yg penoh kelemaoan akibat tuan punyer blog yg Batuk+Selseme=Demam,. yg hampir kebah tpi kendian demm balik akibat inisiatif diri sendri yg tk mao MC,. Haaaaaaa rase bdan tk tedaye dah, tpi kene n perlu dtg keje sebb tuntutan tnggungjwb atas sume paper work aku ni,..

Dari report,. smpaila gaji and overtime bebudk ni yg nk kene antr by Monday iaitu esok k,. Have to!! walaopon dh bepinao and tingtong otak akibt makn ubt seme ni,.

By the way,. bukn sesje nk tulis merapu atau "alaaaaa itu pon nk merungut"nop!!! it's not about complaint hokayyyyyy,.ape yg cube aku ceritekan di sini ialah TANGGUNGJAWAB!! yg perlu aku buat walaopon keadaan agk tk mngizinkan,. Korng pon mesti punyerlaa pennh alami mende yg same,. SAKIT tpi keje banyk!  keje yg tk leh tngguuh plak tu,. yg memang kene submit on time,. kalao tidak akan effect pade ko bile ko blik dri MC,.kan?? penahh kan,,..?? melainkan ader sombody yg take over all over your works,.!!` kan?? cam aku ni sape nk take over,. sume aku buat sendiri,.kang kalao tk antao gaji bbudak tu tk dpt gaji pulak dorng sume ni,.
kan tk pepsal aku gak kene jawb,.kesian bebudk tk de gaji,.

Soo,. skang ni,  aku ngah menjlankan tanggungjwb aku,. walaopon tingtong n payoh benao kene gagahkan diri jugk,. Bile sume dh selesai brula senng hati, boleh laa cuti sakit,..!!!

PS: Hanye mereke yg pennh alami keadaan cam ni bru boleh PAHAM!!~


Sunday, September 12, 2010


Salam geng's,.!` i am back from leave hari raye. cume2ari jer,.so ader mse ni sje nk post smthing.

I've learn that people like to see us in HAPPY mood and a little beside us when we are in BAD mood,.!!
Ramai sngt yg berkongsi kegembiraan kite,. tpi cume sikit orng yg mahu bersame saat sedih kite,.!~
Itu adlah lumrah kehidupan,.!~

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Baru ari ni aku rase,.ape yg dikatekan benar,. sunyi itu,. sakit tu tk pnh akan keluar dari idop aku,.wlaopon sekejap,.Ape yg aku rase tu sume betul!!! Yg salah aku,.yg caci aku,yg hine aku,yg keji aku,yg merayu rayu adelah aku,. Yg macam peminte sedekah itu aku,.sedngkan setiap butir pekataan aku itu adelh seikhlasnyer dri aku,. Sejujurnye dri dri hati aku,.!!

Susah ker,.?! Sush bile aku di letkkn nombor yg entah ke berape dlm  senrai penting,. so makneye kurng penting!! kalao sngt PENTING sekalipun, itu cume permulaan.. untuk amek ati,untuk buat aku rase aku di hargai,.. Aku rase letih,setiap kali aku berkate kate dn disalah ertikan,.. tidak sedikti pon rase prihatin yg di tunjukkn,. malahan tuduhan yg aku ni entah ape2.

Sape lagi yg aku ader untuk bersuare,. untuk aku tumpngkan sekejap DIRI aku? kawan baik?? Ahahahahahaa dah HILANG,. sekelip mate,. dulu kemane mane aku ader kawn baik,.skarang?!~ Seseorng?! Ahahahahaaaaa
Ni la yg aku ader,. wall putih yg selalu setie temn kan aku,. ,atas die la aku mainkan jari jemari,. aku jeritkan caci maki,. aku lempiaskan sume yg berat kt atas bahu aku ni,. tpi selalunye aku tewas!! dan akhirnye aku menngis sendiri.

Maaf YA ALLAH,.bukn aku hambaMU ini tidak bersyukor,.sungguh aku yakin,ENGKAU sangt mengerti aku,!! Cume aku tidak kuat,untuk sekian kalinye menerime ujian Mu,jalan yg KAU  bgi adelh same,.. AKU TAK MMPU!!!! Tolong aku Ya ALLAH!! kurniakan aku walao sedikit kekuatan dalam hati,. AKU MERAYU!!,..

Jalan yg diberi dh terbentng,.aku sebagai manusie tkde daye nk merubah ape yg di beri,. cume inilah yg aku mmpu,.walaopon mungkin dorng dh bosan,.aku lngsung tk pedulik,.lntk la,. aku dengn idop aku!!! biler aku memerlukan?? mne sume??? mane ilng???????????????? bile tk di perlukan? :) aku umpame sesuatu yg kt dalm tong smpah,. tunggu mase nk di angkut dn di hapuskan,.

Aku menmpuhi ape saje,. mulai sekrng ingin aku keraskn hti,. kuatkan jiwe dn minda,. semige kali ini aku bejaye!.Tolong aku Ya Allah,.sesungguhnyer Engkau tau,bukn harte yg aku kejar,cume ITU!!

Perlu ke aku ubah?!` biler aku ader seseorng,. seseorng itu adelh pnting dan sentiase utame untuk aku,.  tk perlu kan? sebb itu memng aku,.aku suker,. Tapi sangt perit, bile aku sudah tidak di utamekan!

Sabar,. Redha,.. Pasrah,. Ikhlas,.Tolong aku TUHAN!

Nangesssssssss sangt!!!~

Salam geng's,.!~

Penuh dengn nangesssssssssssssssssss sangt!!~
New entry seblom aku off day esok,.sangt nangess,.!!!~ Nnges sebb segale gale pasal aku sume INVISIBLE,.
Tapi bile psal org lain,.kemain lgik,sendri boleh korek and carik,.!!~ Puas la aku menunjuk nunjuk kan diri,. menepek dan sebgainye,.setiap saat dan detik aku tngok kot kot kalao ader sebaris pekataan,. Tapi,........:)

Yerlaaa,. jauh kan tk nmpak,kalao dekt lain citer,.!~ tpi tu bukn alasan,. sebb EGO!! Knpe org len boleh,.dngn suke suki,. tpi aku??? kene KESIAN dlu!!~Nanges sangtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Ya Allah,. jauhkan aku dri prasangke buruk!!Puas aku menahan perasaan,. Tpi bile di pk kan semule,ni bukn perasaan,.tpi reality,.!! memang tertulis die mcam tu,.

Menunggu waktu untuk rebah! tpi aku bemohon semoge aku di berikan kekuatan seperti selalu,. SABAR seperti selalu, Kalao ini jalan yg perlu aku lalu seblom aku menuju hikmah ALLAH,. aku cube untuk betahan,.!~

Entah,..Salah aku agknyer,.salah ker,?!~ entahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yerla kot,. Sebal laa, rase nk menjerit jerk skang ni,. Haiilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hati, Ingin saje aku BEKUkan diri aku,tpi aku tk boleh,. idop rase tk lengkap,sebb ie adelah sebhagian dri idop aku,. LaillahailaAllah

Mood: Lebammmmmmm!!!!! Naseb ko la Na,. agknyer ko memng layak kot di layan mcamtu,. walaopon tahu yg ko bukn kejar harte!

Monday, September 06, 2010

Sesuatu yg buat aku terujeeeeee!!!~Phewwwwwwwwwwwwww

Salam geng's,.

Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mesti korng ngah siap siap nk raye kan?? hehehe ni bukn citer psal raye dowhhhhh,. bosan arr,. tk abes abes raye kan kan,. Huhuhuhuhuuuhuuuu,.
Nak citer pasal satu filem ni,. Sequel film, yg aku tk pennh miss out of 1 pon die nyer film,. Ni die the latest sequel :

Synopsis : In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice (Milla Jovovich), continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead - and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.

Casting by: 
Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich: Biography

  • Birth Date:December 17th, 1975 - Kiev, USSR (now Ukraine)
One known for straddling careers as a model, singer and actress, performer Mila Jovovich sported an utterly unique square-jawed look and the starkest of features that betrayed her Eastern European origins. Born to a Russian actress and a Yugoslavian doctor in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev on December 17, 1975, Jovovich moved with her family to Sacramento, CA, when she was five. She began her professional modeling career at the age of 11, spending most of her teen years displaying her exotic, blue-eyed beauty on the covers of numerous magazines and in service of countless products.

While pursuing a successful modeling career, Jovovich also began acting, appearing in Zalman King's softcore Two Moon Junction (1988) as Sherilyn Fenn's little sister and Return to the Blue Lagoon, the 1991 sequel to the endearingly awful Brooke Shields flesh-fest Blue Lagoon (1980). Following a role in Richard Linklater's high-school slacker opus Dazed and Confused (1993), Jovovich took a break from acting and also put her modeling career on hold. She turned instead to music, recording an album, ^The Divine Comedy, that received surprisingly good reviews.

After touring for a few months, Jovovich returned to California and revived her acting career with the help of French director Luc Besson, who cast her in The Fifth Element in 1996. An incredibly stylish sci-fi chase film set in the 23rd century, it featured Jovovich as a tangerine-haired alien, speaking in gibberish and wearing little more than artfully placed ace bandages designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier. The film put her back on the Hollywood radar, something given further assistance by Jovovich's marriage to Besson (married in 1997, the two divorced in 1999). The following year Jovovich had a substantial role as a prostitute in Spike Lee's He Got Game, and, in 1999, she again stepped in front of the camera for Besson, this time to play the title role in The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc. She received strong notices for her work, although the film itself earned less than a warm reception. The following year, Jovovich appeared in Wim Wenders' futuristic The Million Dollar Hotel as a mental patient in the titular establishment. In 2001, Jovovich once again stepped into the lead, this time battling the undead in the action-oriented film version of the popular survival horror video game Resident Evil (2002).

As the years progressed, that assignment would continue to color and define Jovovich's choices, as she soon agreed to headline each of the follow-ups, Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) and Resident Evil: Extinction (2007). The films received critical excoriation for their mindless, effects-heavy setups and nearly incoherent premises, but no matter: the franchise caught on with the public in a big way and turned Jovovich into an A-list action star, paving the way for the lead role in the nearly indistinguishable outing Ultraviolet (2006). In the meantime,Jovovich occasionally tackled varied material. She delivered a particularly off-beat and quirky performance as a singer who drifts into a Yiddish music career in the comedy-drama Dummy (2004), and another ~ Rebecca Flint Marx 
 Antara pelakon lain:

 Ok,.tpi still admire si MIlla ni dri dulu lgik,. Mimik muke die,. care die jalan,. body die,. perghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,..sangt sangt!! Tak sabr nk tngok 10th September ni akan kuar film ni,. Nak tngok adekha ni the best sequel atau cam mane,.!~ Tapi tkder la aku pi tngok10th tu kan,. 1st raye dowh,.aku pon nk raye gakkkkkkkkkkkkkk,. Heheheheheeeee,.
Ni pon ala ala jer,. dapt tngok ntah tidak,. Huhuhhuhuhuuhu naseb la badan,. Insya'Allah!
Ok geng'sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss,.. Tu jer la nk,. story,.

Mood: Lebam!!!!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Catatan Ramadhan yg hampir di penghujung,.!~

Salam gengs',.!~
penuh keikhlasan,. menghulur tngn bersalam dan meminte maaf,. walaupon lom raye lgik,.!~
tpi tu la kite manusie,. cume mintk mahap time gaye jer,. ingat!!mati tu bile bile and paling dekt dngn kite,. so bermaafan tk kire ari ok,.!~

By the way,. coretan Ramdhan yg  nk abes dah,.  rase sedey skit plak :( ,. cept sngt abes nyer ramdhan ni,. rase tnng jer dalm buln rmdhan,. citer psal hubungan sesame kite manusie,.!` mane korng nk beraye thun ni?? ke korng tk pegi memane,?? tunggu org dtg kt umah jer ek??eiiiiiiiiiiiiii jngn le mls sangt,. pi le jejalan kalao tk blik kg tu,.pi uamh jejirn,.tk salah pon,. kalao kite dulu hulurkan tngn ucap slamat ari raye kan??!~

Dalam idop ni,.tk leh bekire sangt,.kkdng kene betolak ansur,. walaopon  jejirn kite tu tk le baik sngt ngn kite,.
Me,.?!~ cam bese PD le,. my lovely town tu, kt Kg Sungai Sekawng,.mohle dtg umah me,. hihhiihi kuih kuih pon beli je sesikit,. persiapn sangtle sederhana,. tk blik kg pon,.motip tk blik????????????????????? hurmm tu la die,. blom cukop modal untuk blik kg thun ni,. kalao seblom ni selalu blik,. thun ni nk tunggu sedare mare lak dtg jenogk unah abah me ni,. ingt tk dorng kt Abng Ngah dorng ni,. yg merntau dok jauh dri dorng,. Bukn nk bekire la,. tpi thun ni memang niat ati nk beraye at PD cam selalu,. kalao tk raye pon me and my family ader blik ke Muar jugak,. Cume em sangt peliklaaa,. buln pose ni bukn nk buat dose,pelik nape meke tk pennh tepikir pon nk jenguk Abah me kt NS ni,. bukn jauh pon,. Abah me siap leh nek motor lagik pi Muar kdang kdang duit minyk jer bwk,. semate mate sebb meke n Arwah atok pmpuan me,. tpi skang atok pmpuan me dh tkde,.so abah me mang tkkn balik la,. tunggu adek adek die jenguk die,.

Me tunggu ngn sabr jer,. walaopon abah me tk cakp pape,. tk kesah,.tpi me tau ati die camne,. masih behrap!tpi nk buat camne tkkn nk pakse kan,. Tkperlaaa cam bese la abah kite beraye ladngn kuarge kecik kite ni Abah Emak kk long abng long 3 org ank buah me and adek me 2 orng,.. tu pon Alhamdulillah kan!~

Ok la,. geng's, nnti me masukkn entry bru lgik,!
Cukopla me citer psal raye yer,.mlas dah,.tk sbao nk tunggu RAMADHAN thun depan,. isnya'Allah kalao umo me di pnjngkan Allah swt,.!~


Friday, September 03, 2010



Pejam celik pejam celik,. bru due ari ekekekekkekekee,.1~ tk der la dah 24 ari kite pose kan,!~sekejap jer belalu buln mulia ni,.

Rase cam kalao boleh tk nk abes buln Ramadhan,. sebb ape??sebb tenang,. aman jer rase dalam buln ni,.!~
segalenye tekawal,. huhuhuhuhuhuuuu

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Unwritten Soul,.!~

I'll try to not crying,... but an usual i failed for many time,.!!~
Don't have any words can describe about my felt,..!~ It's not just sick,but it's all about LOVE,.!~ What u feel inside it's no seems like what your appear outside,..
You try helping your self,even him,. But it's still the same way coz only you trying it, ALONE!

Love: Lover,Parents,Child,Siblings,Friends,.. many more,!!~


Jika seorang wanita menangis dihadapanmu,
Itu berarti dia tak dapat menahannya lagi.

Jika kamu memegang tangannya saat dia menangis,
Dia akan tinggal bersamamu sepanjang hidupmu.

Jika kamu membiarkannya pergi,
Dia tidak akan pernah kembali lagi menjadi dirinya yang dulu.

Seorang wanita tidak akan menangis dengan mudah,
Kecuali didepan orang yang amat dia sayangi.
Dia menjadi lemah.

Seorang wanita tidak akan menangis dengan mudah,
Hanya jika dia sangat menyayangimu,
Dia akan menurunkan rasa egoisnya.

Lelaki, jika seorang wanita pernah menangis karena mu,
Tolong pegang tangannya dengan pengertian.

Dia adalah orang yang akan tetap bersamamu sepanjang hidupmu.

Lelaki, jika seorang wanita menangis karenamu.
Tolong jangan menyia-nyiakannya.

Mungkin karena keputusanmu, kau merusak kehidupannya.

Saat dia menangis didepanmu,
Saat dia menangis karnamu,

Lihatlah matanya….

Dapatkah kau lihat dan rasakan sakit yang dirasakannya?


Wanita mana lagikah yang akan menangis
dengan murni, penuh rasa sayang,
Didepanmu dan karenamu……

Dia menangis bukan karena dia lemah
Dia menangis bukan karena dia menginginkan simpati atau rasa kasihan

Dia menangis,
Karena menangis dengan diam-diam tidaklah memungkinkan lagi.



Karena suatu hari nanti

Mungkin akan terlambat untuk menyesal,
Mungkin akan terlambat untuk bilang ‘MAAF’!!

Friendship ever!!~

is a promises made in heart,.



Unbreakable by distance,...

Unchangeable by time,....

Once a friend,. Forever a friend,..!!!

I have one of friend that i call MY BEST FRIENDS,.!~
Her full name is Noorhanyzah,. I just call her Bobot,.
She's the one that i have on my empty  life,. She;s always on beside me when i'm alone,. lonely,. either sadness,. Always be together when i'm on laughter and cries,.!~ But,we have a diffrent way aswell, shes' have a personal,. do i have too,. she have a career and me to,.Beside she is my idol for everthing that i've made,.. Strong and kind heart!!I just LOVE her,..
And she is apart of my heart,. and insya'Allah it's will be forever,.!!
My Heart List;
2. My Family
3. My Fiance/My Best Friend
4. My Life/My Self

BFF,. This is just for you;-

U know what,..?
I thank you

U know why,..?
Coz u are the best

U know how,..?
With your own simple ways, u making me feel special

U know when,..?
Since the day we become FRIEND!!

Thank you very much!!:)

As u go to bed to nite,..
i Ordered NENEK KEBAYAN to guard you tight,..

I told some POCONG,..
to dance in white,..To make sure alright

to kiss u nite,.!!~

Muachssssssssssssssssssss geng's,.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Destiny's Child Stand Up For Love


There are times I find it hard to sleep at night
We are living through such troubled times
And every child that reaches out for someone to hold
For one moment they become my own

And how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on?
When every second, and every minute another soul is gone?
And I believe that in my life I will see an end to hopelessness, of giving up, of suffering

CHORUS (first time)

If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and hear me sing,
Stand Up for love.


I'm inspired and hopeful each and everyday
That's how I know that things are gonna change
So how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on?
When every second, with every minute another soul is gone
And I believe that in my life I will see
An end to hopelessness, of giving up, of suffering


If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up for love


And it all starts right here
And it starts right now
One person stands up and the rest will follow
For all the forgotten, for all the unloved
I'm gonna sing this song
And I believe that in my life I will see an end to hopelessness, of giving up, of suffering


If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and hear me sing
Stand up for love
for love
for love
for love

Hayati lagu and liriknyer,.. sangt bermakne sangt universal merangkupi sume,!~ cinte pade sume sudut dan segi,.!~
Love this song very much!!

Gaji ohhhhhhhhhh Gaji

Salam lagik,.

meroyan sebb gji tk masuk lgik,. maybe 3rd kot?? erkkkkkkkkkkkk 3rd????????? mmposla aku,. biel nk kaur beli brng untuk raye ni,.. fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh seb bek emak adek n abh dah ader,. cume nk kene tacap umah skitlaa,.nk beli alas lntai,. nk beli smekot raye,. nk beli sarong kusen lgik..kasot gaye lgik ni,.huhuhu nk tukr wit nk bgi bebudakkkkkkk lgik huhhhhhhhhhh jwbnyer 6hb la aku pi,. smpt tk smpt redah jer la.,.

BTW,. dtp adiah raye dri bos,., sekotk mooncake yg cantik kotk nyer,. alaaaaaaa yg promosi tu,. huhuuuh,. ingt mang nk beli,.tpi dh dpt satu,. ok ler tu,. rejeki,.ALhamdulillah!!!~

Setiap kali pon online,. setiap tu la dok sebok jerk mausk kt cimb.clicks,. huuuh haruuuuuuuuuu biru tol laaa